These descriptive notes and maps show the footpaths and bridleways in Newick and are designed to help those who like walking in open country but fear they may be trespassing, since many paths are not easy to follow. Signs show where paths leave the public highways.
There is an Act covering the use of public footpaths which defines exactly how the public and landowners stand, but please remember that the goodwill of landowners and farmers is the key to easy access, and a policy of give and take the best way to keep public footpaths clear.
Observance of the following simple suggestions will do much to foster this goodwill:
- Keep to the track of footpaths as shown on the map and remember they are only wide enough to accommodate walkers. Because a path goes through a field it does not entitle the public to use the whole field.
- The land over which a public right of way passes is the property of the landowner—walkers are asked to show consideration at all times
- Dogs running loose can easily cause considerable harm to stock, keep them under strict control.
- Shut gates carefully. Stock which gets out can do much damage to growing crops, while getting them back to the proper field is inflicting unnecessary hardship on farmers.
- Mud will be encountered, so be prepared for it.
- Waymarks are small yellow arrows, stone signs saying ‘footpath’ and fingerposts.
East Sussex County Council provides this brilliant interactive footpaths facility.
A map of local pathways can be found here.
Newick Rootz is a volunteer group working under the guidance of ESCC and supported by Newick Parish Council. The group is actively engaged in maintaining and improving public footpaths and bridleways in Newick Parish; we also look at tree planting for posterity. We repair and replace stiles and kissing gates, clear vegetation, erect fingerposts and install way-marking signs; and we enjoy ourselves whilst doing it!
For more information, please visit or email

Broken Style

Damaged step

Fallen tree