Newick Neighbourhood Plan
The Newick Neighbourhood Plan was formally adopted by Lewes District Council (LDC) on 16th July 2015.
The Plan can be viewed here Newick Neighbourhood Plan - post adoption July 2015
A number of documents were produced during the development of the Neighbourhood Plan (Appendix A in the plan) and these can be viewed below:
- Sustainability Appraisal and Development site selection
- Survey of Young People's Views
- Requirements of Clubs and Societies
- Report of the parish questionnaire results
- Parking survey
- Vision Statement
- Land Availability Report
- Consultation Strategy
- Communication Strategy
- Newick Project Plan
- Newick Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Issue
- Newick Neighbourhood Habitat Regulations Screening
- Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Day 17th November
- Neighbourhood Plan Consultation Day 8th June 2013
- Local Businesses Report
- Consultation Statement
- Draft NHPlan Document
- Character Assessment
- Basic Conditions Statement