See the Bookings diary here

Booking forms, hire conditions and other documents

Booking form for the Hall to be filled out by the Hirer with the event details, contact details, dates and times.

Responsible Person Form

When the hall is hired someone must be responsible for the event and the people attending. To be completed and sent with the booking form.

Both the Booking and Responsible Person forms have to be completed and delivered to the Booking Secretary (address on conditions of hire) to secure your booking. The Booking form alone is not sufficient.

Any sale and/ or consumption of alcohol on the Village Hall Premises requires the hire of the bar and an approved Licence form which will cost a fee of £50. Please complete this form if required by clicking on the link highlighted in blue.

Conditions of Hire to be complied with when hiring the hall. All hirers must read these conditions prior to booking the hall to understand their full responsibilities when hiring the hall

Emergency Plan A plan of the action that should be taken if there is an emergency – this is not necessarily all that should be done but will form the basis of action.

Map of Hall with exits and fire extinguishers identified.

Induction for new users of the Village Hall so that all the facilities, health and safety aspects and management of the Hall is understood by the Hirer.

Heat and Naked Flame Policy explains the limitations around the use of flammable liquids, candles and tealights when hiring the hall.

Disabled persons evacuation procedure explains the procedures to follow in the event that the hall has to be evacuated.

Safeguarding Policy sets out the requirements for organisations, clubs and societies that hire the hall around children and vulnerable persons

Village Hall Privacy Policy explains how the Management Committee uses your personal data when you hire or enquire about hiring the hall.