Lewes District Council Local Plan Consultation
/in News /by ClerkThe consultation is now open. Lewes District Local Plan consultation – Lewes and Eastbourne Councils
What is a Local Plan?
Local plans set out where future development will take place, such as new homes and locations for business growth, as well the local policy requirements against which future planning applications will be judged.
Phase one of the consultation is on the detailed policies for the plan area and will consider sites within towns and a limited number of villages. The second phase will take place later in 2025 and have a greater emphasis on more rural parts of the district, while also re-evaluating areas considered during phase one.
Online webinar – Tuesday 14 January 2025
We will hold an online webinar and Q&A session on Tuesday 14 January 2025 from 5pm to 6.30pm.
Event link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9859106812?pwd=ZVUwYjdneUJUZkNnKzMzNnJNNWMzdz09
Download iCalendar appointment (gi.ui.mediatype.ical, 1 KB)
This session will be recorded and make available on our website.
Consultation drop-in events
Please note, residents from any part of the district are welcome to attend any of the sessions.
Wednesday 29 January 2025, from 4pm to 7pm
Ringmer Village Hall, Lewes Road, Ringmer, Lewes BN8 5QH
Thursday 30 January 2025 – 6pm to 9pm
Newick Village Hall, 2 Western Road, Newick, Lewes BN8 4LF
Saturday 1 February 2025 – 10am – 1pm
Community House, Meridian Centre, Meridian Way, Peacehaven, BN10 8BB
South Downs National Park consultation drop-in event – Wednesday 5 February 2025, 6.30pm to 8.30pm
Joint session with South Downs National Park Authority who are consulting on a revised Local Plan for the National Park.
Lewes Town Hall, High St, Lewes BN7 2QS
Thursday 6 February 2025 from 6.30pm to 9pm
Beechwood Hall, Beechwood Lane, Cooksbridge BN7 3QG
Saturday 8 February 2025, 10am to 1pm
The Marine Workshops, Railway Quay, Newhaven, East Sussex, BN9 0ER
Exhibition, Monday 3 to Friday 27 February 2025
An unstaffed exhibition will be on display at the Marine Workshops, Newhaven. This will be open from 9am to 4pm Mondays to Fridays, and 9am to 3pm on Saturdays.
Tender for Phase 2 of works to Newick Sports Pavilion
/in News /by ClerkThe tender is now closed. Please see the Sports Pavilion Redevelopment page for full information Sports Pavilion Redevelopment – Newick Parish Council
Communication with ESCC Highways regarding traffic lights in Newick
/in News /by ClerkNewick Parish Council has received a number of comments this year regarding the management of traffic lights in the village. When the queues were at their worst the Parish Council was in contact with ESCC Highways and the developer to try and improve the situation. The Parish Council is aware that there will be future works on the A272 and before that happens they wrote the following letter to Highways with there concerns. This can be viewed here. The Parish Council received a reply which can be viewed here. The Parish Council will be responding to this reply.
Newick School Parent Teacher and Friends Association In Conjunction with Newick Village Hall Charity Present THE CHRISTMAS PANTOMIME CINDERELLA
/in News /by ClerkClick here for full details
Invite to tender for Phase 1 works of Newick Sports Pavilion
/in News /by ClerkDownload the tender pack here.
DITCH CLEARING – Riparian ownership
/in News /by ClerkIf there is a watercourse on, under or next to your property, you are known as a riparian owner. As a riparian owner you have a role to play in managing flood risk and are responsible for maintaining the watercourse.
A watercourse is any natural or artificial channel above or below ground through which water flows, such as a river, brook, ditch, gill or stream (which may be piped or culverted in sections).
You must ensure that water can flow freely within the watercourse and without obstruction that may increase the risk of flooding.
Certain types of work within or next to a watercourse may require consent from East Sussex County Council, the internal drainage board or the Environment Agency.
Your responsibilities include:
- clearing any silt and debris, including rubbish
- managing vegetation within the channel
- ensuring the flow of water is not obstructed
You have the right to:
- protect your property from flooding
- protect your land from erosion
You must not:
- dispose of waste such as grass cuttings into the watercourse
- fill in, obstruct, bridge or pipe the watercourse without consent
Contact us
If you have any questions about riparian ownership, please contact via email, the Flood Risk Management Team
- Email: Flood Risk Management Team
- Telephone: 01273 481 421