Man writing on paper

Marwaring Robertson Sound Survey 2023

Newick Parish Council conducted a sound survey at Marwaring Robertson. It was agreed to conduct the survey over a period of five weeks. The survey started 31st July 2023, ending 3rd September 2023 and the results can be seen here.

A calendar with red push buttons pinned to it

Parish Council meeting dates 2023/24

It has been agreed by the Parish Council to change the days and the venue of Parish Council meetings (including Committee Meetings).

From June 2023 they will be held in the Community Centre. Full Parish Council meetings will be the second Monday of every month and Committee meetings will be the fourth Monday of every month. Please note that there are not Committee meetings every month and they do not meet on a bank holiday. For full details see the ‘Upcoming Events’ diary and the Agendas and Minutes section of this website.